Daily Archives: May 27, 2024

Remember. Salute. Honor. Celebrate Our Heroes!


As I go throughout Memorial Day, I always reflect on my sister and best friend, Major Patricia Holmes-Ellison. Her life as a soldier and ultimate sacrifice gave me a renewed respect for those who sacrificed their lives so we, as Americans, can enjoy unparalleled freedom.

Through her life and ultimate sacrifice, I have come to understand the true depth of these soldiers’ commitment. They would fight again if given the chance, despite not always receiving the recognition and benefits they deserve. I saw my sister struggle for the benefits she had rightfully earned, having to prove her combat service time and again. Our patriotism for those who fought and sacrificed for our freedom is woefully underappreciated.

Many Americans today are unaware of the true significance of Memorial Day. They see it as just another day off work, missing its true purpose: to honor the men and women who selflessly gave their lives in battle so we can enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Join me, this Memorial Day, in celebrating the millions of brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for our freedoms. Pray for the strength of their families. Let us come together with pride, ensuring their efforts and sacrifices are never forgotten and never in vain. We salute them throughout America’s history for their bravery, courage, and ultimate sacrifice, ensuring that we remain one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all..

Enjoy the Glorious Celebration of Memorial Day

Jacqui Showers

The Bold Encourager
Chief Encouragement Officer


Father, As we remember those who fought for America’s freedom and those who paid the ultimate price with their lives, we salute them for their sacrificial service so Americans can enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We pray for the well-being of their families. I ask You, Father God, to bless their families and keep them covered in Your blood. Bless each of us as we celebrate and remember the sacrifices of these women and men not just today, but every day. Amen. #showersblessing #prayerforsuccess


Kick off the year with a Trilogy for Success releases—Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success, I DECIDED: Move from Resolution to Execution, and Affirmations for Success: Daily Affirmations for Marketplace Influencers. Make sure you purchase your Trilogy for Success @ www.jassaipublishing.com. eBooks for each title is available on Amazon.

Be encouraged. Be equipped. Be empowered. 11:59 A Minute ‘til Midnight Marketplace Prayer Boot Camp (EST) takes you to another level—in your career, in your business, in your ministry, and every facet of your life. Seamlessly integrating spirituality with the reality of the marketplace. The Bold Encourager Jacqui Showers’ bold in your face style propels you beyond limitation to illimitable success every Friday night. You want to be there! Connect @ Showers’ Blessing Inspires Facebook Live (http://ow.ly/DUq650F8Ih5, Jacqui Showers YouTube/TV http://ow.ly/aHwV50F8Ih7, or TWITTER @ShowersBlessing (http://ow.ly/dwNm50F8Ih1 #minutetilmidnight#bootcamp#marketplace#prayer #minutetilmidnight #power #PRAY #marketplace #prayer

Be Safe. Be Well. Be Vigilant.

Please continue to pray for us as we continue to move forward to provide more for you so you can become all God envisioned and experience all God S.A.W.W. (Spiritual, Abundance, Wholeness and Wealth).