Monthly Archives: November 2013


prayer for success showersFather, When I look at my hands all I can see is Your favor on them. Because of Your favor, everything my hands set out to do is tremendously blessed. Wow! This far exceeds any magic touch. This is the miracle working power of Your increased favor and overflowing blesses for my success. Amen


prayer for success showersFather, I am a warehouse of uncommon seeds of time. Teach me to number my days so I can apply my heart to wisdom. I not only plant seeds for a bright future for me, but for others as well. I sow seeds for spiritual, personal and professional development to reap an abundance harvest. My investment flings open doors of opportunity so I can plant seeds in the life of others so they can become all You created them to be. I no longer am a time waster; but a time planter. Amen


prayer for success showersFather, You are absolutely awesome! I woke up on this Thanksgiving morning and just wanted to say Thank You for everything. I may not always understand, but I know that everything is working out for my good. I just want to say THANK YOU for being the Almighty God who never forgets me! There is none other but You and I simply love and adore You. Amen.

Be Thankful For All Things


thanksgiving-trees-showers-blessingThanksgiving is here! Unbelievable! This year has swooshed by. Yet, I’m thankful for so many things. Some of them were hard to be thankful about, like the transition of my beloved sister and best friend, Patricia Holmes Ellison. It was bittersweet—I lost her but she no longer is suffering and for that I am thankful as well as God allowing her to be a part of our lives.

This time of year many grieve the lost of loved ones. It can be especially sorrowful as you walk through the first year of being without them and find yourself celebrating Thanksgiving without that special loved one.

Even in the midst of losing my sister, I am thankful to God for placing inside each of us the resiliency to come back from such a major and permanent lost. That is the beauty of God. He completely understands the finiteness of who we are, yet he built inside of us the ability to bounce back from life’s harshest blows.

During this season, there are family members who have disassociated themselves. Continue to pray and be thankful for them. Celebrate them and believe that your prayers are not only being heard by God, but answered for the restoration and reconciliation of that relationship.

Regardless of the intensity of whatever you may be going through, there is always something to give thanks to God about. If you can’t think of anything, just hold your hand up to your mouth and blow. Then thank God for placing His life-generating breath inside of you one more day. It is apparent that God has more for you to do or He would not have permitted you to see another day.

Definitely we want to thank God for each other. God knew we didn’t need to be alone. He knew we needed each other. There is someone that needs you this Thanksgiving season. Make time for someone who may not have anyone who will make time for them. Reach out to those less fortunate and be a bright spot in their day. And simply love each other as you celebrate the differences that make you one.

My prayer for each of you is that you will enjoy a blessed prosperous thankful fun-filled day with family, friends and even some strangers. Above all, give God thanks for all things—the good, the perceived bad and the indifferent.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jacqui Showers


prayer for success showers Father, during this season of famine help me to stay focused on Your sufficiency. With reports of companies failing, job shortages and layoffs, I unequivocally know Your riches and glory are meeting my daily needs. I have plenty because of my dependence on You. Joy, love and peace wells up from the depths of my soul and flows outward to others. I release my confidence and trust in this world’s system and embrace Yours with its abundance and illimitable possibilities. Amen


prayer for success showers Father, In this season of manifestation, I expect an abundant harvest. You alone are the One who supplies my every need. Regardless of the size of my expectation, You are doing exceedingly abundantly more than I could ever ask for or imagine possible. Your super naturalness exceeds my loftiest expectations of abundance. Amen.


prayer for success showersFather, My attitude has much to do with my success. I need Your help. I will no longer allow outside circumstances to dictate my attitude. Bless me to understand how my attitude affects those whom I love and who loves me. Teach me how to control myself, especially my temper, so I can make wise decisions as I seek Your advice for direction and guidance in moving confidently in the plans You have for me. Amen.


prayer for success showersFather, Teach me how to surrender my will to Your will. I’ve been trying to accomplish so much on my own, but I realize I can’t do it without You. Actually, I can’t do it unless You are the guiding force in my life. I simply need Your guidance and direction in every area of my life. Amen.


prayer for success showers Father, In You I live, move and have my being. Please show me how to move according to Your plans. Bless me to just do it! Regardless of the obstacles that I may confront guide me safely and swiftly over the hurdles to success. In showing me the vision, teach me daily how to complete the action steps to achieve it as I run this race of victory. Amen.


prayer for success showers Father, Thank you for a transformed mind to expect the impossible because You are the God of impossibilities. I expect You to keep Your promises because You are the God of covenant. I hold fast to my profession of faith because I know You are faithful that promised. It is my faith that assures me that the things I expect and may not be able to see exist. I am brave! I am strong! I will not give up expecting You to prosper me as I walk in the abundance of Your promises. Amen