Monthly Archives: January 2018

Get Back On: Finish Strong | Showers’ Blessing Inspires | Jacqui Showers

We’ve reached the last day of the first month of the year. The New Year is about assessment and evaluation. You see, we woke up on Dec 31 and meandered through the day until the clock rolled over to 12 midnight marking another calendar year. Ideally, it would be great if the miraculous happened, everything was transformed, and you were assured that everything you endeavored to do, you would do it.

There is no magic potion or quick fix. In the striking of midnight nothing really changes—except our hopes and expectations. We anticipate change, because we desperately desire for change to happen. Realistically speaking, transformation is up to each of us. God has provided you with everything you need to change. But, the question looms are you ready to make that transformation?

In our heart of hearts, we’re probably ready for change. Changing is more than just saying that we are going to change, it is actionable. In my soon to be released book, I DECIDED: Moving from Resolution to Execution, it summarizes that the best resolutions are those that you make happen. Essentially, those yearly resolutions need to jump off the page and run swiftly through the year with a determination that you will have accomplished what you initially set out to accomplish.

Every new year, or a new season, marks a launching pad to get started. Many are united in rituals of change. None is as significant as the end and beginning of the year. There are those who are serious about succeeding. Conversely, there are those where resolutions are faddish for the beginning of the year, but they have no intentions of completing them. By now, at the end of January, there are those who have already abandoned their resolutions.

Success begins and rests with you and your commitment to your resolutions. No one else in this world can make them happen. I can’t make them happen for you; conversely you can’t make them happen for me. Howbeit, we can encourage each other, but we can’t do it for each other.

Everyone needs someone to sharpen their iron, hold them accountable and provide critical positive criticism. Positive criticism may appear to be negative in some instances, but it is positive when it pushes you beyond your comfort zone and highlight those areas you need to improve. How in the world do you expect to expand and grow if there is no one to provide critical positive criticism?

There is nothing that can be done at this point. You can never revisit the previous year, or for that matter this first month, except in your memories. You can determine that every resolution you made, you will accomplish. It’s better not to make a vow, especially to yourself, then to make a vow and not keep it. You deserve better than that.

Even if, you have already fallen off the resolution bandwagon, just get back on. You still have 11 months to finish strong.

Have you gotten off the resolution bandwagon already? Do you plan to give up, or get back on? Are you determined to finish strong? What will do to finish strong?


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Father, Everything seems to be spiraling like a tornado; but Your perfect peace keeps me grounded. Regardless, if I am in the eye of the storm, You continue to bless me with peace that surpasses understanding. Nothing will distract me from achieving great success. Amen.  #showersblessing #prayersforsuccess


Be the first to get an autographed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success. These bold powerful declarative prayers are designed to empower and transform you for illimitable success every day of the year. Pre-order your signed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success today.


Father, Thank You for awakening me to another day with limitless possibilities. I am committed to succeed with a spirit of excellence. I am relentless as I set my sights on the goal. I am determined to never ever give up. I am supernaturally charged to achieve illimitable success every day. Amen. #showersblessing #prayersforsuccess


Be the first to get an autographed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success. These bold powerful declarative prayers are designed to empower and transform you for illimitable success every day of the year. Pre-order your signed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success today.


Father, Thank You for blessing me to be a blessing in bridging economic disparity. You have blessed me with an enterprising spirit to create wealth and be a job creator, so others can protect, house, clothe and feed their families. I humbly serve Your people with the same love and compassion as Jesus did when He fed the five thousand. Amen. #showersblessing #prayersforsuccess


Be the first to get an autographed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success. These bold powerful declarative prayers are designed to empower and transform you for illimitable success every day of the year. Pre-order your signed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success today.


Father, Thank You for blessing me to be a blessing in bridging economic disparity. You have blessed me with an enterprising spirit to create wealth and be a job creator, so others can protect, house, clothe and feed their families. I humbly serve Your people with the same love and compassion as Jesus did when He fed the five thousand. Amen. #showersblessing #prayersforsuccess


Be the first to get an autographed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success. These bold powerful declarative prayers are designed to empower and transform you for illimitable success every day of the year. Pre-order your signed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success today.


Father, Worry tried to consume and torment me. As I count my blessings, that ugly demon of worry no longer had residence in my mind or my life. My gratitude for every blessing evicted worry from my thoughts and from my life. I am worry-free. Praise the Father! Amen. #showersblessing #prayersforsuccess


Be the first to get an autographed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success. These bold powerful declarative prayers are designed to empower and transform you for illimitable success every day of the year. Pre-order your signed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success today.


Father, Clarity of direction becomes clearer each day. Every day You bless me with opportunities and wealth more than just for myself, but for me to be a marketplace influencer, benefactor and mentor in the lives of others. Amen. #showersblessing #prayersforsuccess


Be the first to get an autographed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success. These bold powerful declarative prayers are designed to empower and transform you for illimitable success every day of the year. Pre-order your signed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success today.


Father, I’m out of excuses and placing blame on someone else. I’m in this situation because of my actions or inactions. I no longer will look outwardly for an inward answer. I repent for my actions and my inactions. Bless me to discern the familiar thing that tries to hold me back. I will no longer be an accomplice to preventing me from being successful. Amen. #showersblessing #prayersforsuccess


Be the first to get an autographed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success. These bold powerful declarative prayers are designed to empower and transform you for illimitable success every day of the year. Pre-order your signed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success today.


Father, People come, and people go. Thank You for the people who came, and for whatever reason, it was time for them to go. I thank You even more for those who came and are still with me. Thank You for those who are yet to come. Amen. #showersblessing #prayersforsuccess


Be the first to get an autographed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success. These bold powerful declarative prayers are designed to empower and transform you for illimitable success every day of the year. Pre-order your signed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success today.


Father, Bless me with wisdom, understanding, counsel and knowledge to make ethical trustworthy business decisions. Bless me to exercise just weights and count the cost before starting any endeavor as I weigh its impact on the bottom line and how it impacts others. Bless me to seek, respect and honor the opinions of others and to always seek Your guidance in the decision-making process. Amen. #showersblessing #prayersforsuccess


Be the first to get an autographed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success. These bold powerful declarative prayers are designed to empower and transform you for illimitable success every day of the year. Pre-order your signed copy Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success today.