Monthly Archives: April 2014


prayer for success showersFather, I am impassioned and embolden to be the best me I can be. I can’t be anyone else and I don’t want to be anybody but me. All of the blessings You have for me, they are for me. All the success you have for me, it is for me. If I am trying to be somebody else, I will miss all You have for me. I have no intentions of missing You and the abundant life You have for me! Amen.


prayer for success showersFather, I am fearless and I am free! Evil tidings will not prevent me from pursuing with passion the dreams You placed inside of me. I am unstoppable and will accomplish the impossible because You are the God of impossibility. I have teamed up with You and this ensures that everything I do will prosper beyond my wildest imaginations. Amen.


prayer for success showersFather, When I woke up this morning I was so glad to be me! You have fearfully and wonderfully created me for greatness. Each day Your mercies are new every morning! You load me up with benefits too many to number. Not to mention, You have gifted me with so many talents that I can’t help but succeed at everything I do. Amen.


prayer for success showersFather, I thank you for releasing me from the bondage of debt. It was like a trellis around my neck and I just couldn’t break free of it. Regardless of how you set me free from debt, I learned some valuable lessons about exercising discipline in spending and managing my affairs with integrity. I have endured much in the fire and flood of debt, but You have brought me into a wealth place of wisdom and abundance. Amen.


prayer for success showersFather, I know I made the vow; and I thank you for blessing me to honor the vow and pay my debts. Even though it may appear as though it was too much, You also made a way of escape for me to come from under the bondage of credit. In the midst of it, I am no longer slave to the master called Credit. I have been set free by the blood of the Lamb and the words of my testimony. Hallelujah! Thank You God! Amen.


prayer for success showersFather, All of us have fallen short of Your glory. Bless me to provide the same grace and mercy You have given me to others. Rather than pass harsh judgment, bless me to exhibit the same compassion, understanding and forgiveness for others You have for me. Perfect love casts out fear and conquers all. Amen.


prayer for success showersFather, Bless me to exhibit love to everyone regardless if I personally know them or not and especially if they have done anything wrongful against me. You are love! I am made in Your image, therefore I am a vessel of love showering others with Your love wherever I go. In doing so, You will be glorified at home, at worship and in the marketplace. Amen.

No…No…No! YES! | Showers’ Blessing Inspires

Heath Hinegardner

Years ago I read this book entitled, Guerilla Tactics in the Job Market by Tom Bolles Jackson, and still espouse to the book’s basic premise about any job search campaign. Regardless if you are looking for an executive or secretary position you will have a string of “No’s” and then you receive your big “Yes”. Yet, the only way you don’t get the “Big Yes” is that you simply give up. You have to make a decision that “no” is not an option. I have applied this premise to areas other than looking for employment.

How many times have you started a project and stopped. You keep telling yourself you’re going to finish, yet that day never comes. In essence, you gave up. The only way you truly achieve success is never to give up. Never accept “no” as a part of the equation. View it as just meaning not right now and there is something better for me.

Perseverance and persistence leads to success. Completion only happens when there are corresponding actions. Ninety-nine does not get you to the finish line—100 does. There are many people who start out well on a path to unparalleled success, but along the way they simply gave up. In many instances, it had nothing to do with their intelligence because they had that. In some instances they had money and resources. However, they lacked perseverance and persistence. They left the track before reaching the finish line.

My mother would say, “Don’t sit on the stool of do nothing.” Believe me, if you sit on that stool too long nothing happens. Time will pass and you will be at the same point year after year. All too often people become so complacent they forget how to do anything. They talk about what they want, but they never take action. They find themselves in a state of immobility waiting for something to happen; when, in essence, it begins with them taking action.

Whenever you make a decision not to complete the task or the race, you have said you don’t feel you are worthy to be a winner. You have to make a commitment to yourself to run the course. Apostle Paul wrote, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. . .”

I remember when I attended Wayne State University I had one class left to graduate and I stopped going. For more than a year I did nothing. It didn’t have anything to do with lack of desire. I had that. Essentially, I was perched on that stool of do nothing. It haunted me every day that I had received an incomplete. I had not finished the course. In essence, I had given up and accepted the “no”. And, I was too close to give up.

I went back, completed the requisites and received my degree. I was elated!

My perseverance and determination opened a world of possibilities I never would have experienced. Regardless of the obstacles that confront you, realize if you give up you will never achieve the success God envisioned for you. Not just in this life, but for all of eternity. God saw you fighting the fight and finishing your course. He saw you not accepting “no” as an option because you never allowed the strings of “nos” to stop you from receiving your big YES! God saw you as a finisher!

SAY YES TO YOUR SUCCESS! Contact me for a personal coaching session @ The ME Place.


. . .The best thing you can do right now is to finish what you started. . .and not let those good intentions grow stale. Your heart’s been in the right place all along. You’ve got what it takes to finish it up, so go to it. Once the commitment is clear, you do what you can, not what you can’t. The heart regulates the hands. 1 Corinthians 8:10-12 (TM)

Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain 1 Corinthians 9:12

He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich. Proverbs 10:4 (KJV)


Father, Give me a spirit of perseverance and persistence as I run this race so at the end of the day I can hear the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” Don’t let me give up when things get hard, but keep me focused on the goal that lies ahead. You said to forget those things that are behind and press towards the mark of the high call of God. Bless me not to allow circumstances, situations and experiences keep me from completing the corresponding actions that leads to the big YES inherent in my success You envisioned for me.  Amen.


prayer for success showersFather, I am so close to achieving all You have shown me. I am moving out of the realm of almost into the realm of achievement. I don’t want to regret that I was so close to victory and hear haunting words bellowing that I was almost successful. You created me to be successful and I will be relentless in pursuit of the fulfillment of success. I will not stop or allow anyone or thing to deter me from success. This is my blood-bought covenant right to be successful! Amen.


prayer for success showersFather, Fear has no dominion over me and will not prevent me from forging ahead with perseverance and determination. Those sad words “not quite, but almost” are no longer a part of my vernacular. I can, I will, and I have already achieved are words that propel me to victory every time. Amen.