Father, Strategic planning is critical in our arsenal for success. In creating a cohesive team for maximum success, bless me to establish and implement a well-planned strategy inclusive of every person’s ability. Bless me to provide empowering leadership and give me wisdom to discern when to act and when to trust others’ recommendations and abilities to get the job done. Bless us to excel in every endeavor as we work harmoniously together for the greater good. Amen. #showersblessing #prayerforsuccess


Kick off the year with a Trilogy for Success releases—Prayers for Success: Igniting the World to Achieve Success, I DECIDED: Move from Resolution to Execution, and Affirmations for Success: Daily Affirmations for Marketplace Influencers. Make sure you purchase your Trilogy for Success @ eBooks for each title is available on Amazon.

Be encouraged. Be equipped. Be empowered. 11:59 A Minute ‘til Midnight Marketplace Prayer Boot Camp (EST) takes you to another level—in your career, in your business, in your ministry, and every facet of your life. Seamlessly integrating spirituality with the reality of the marketplace. The Bold Encourager Jacqui Showers’ bold in your face style propels you beyond limitation to illimitable success every Friday night. You want to be there! Connect @ Showers’ Blessing Inspires Facebook Live (, Jacqui Showers YouTube/TV, or TWITTER @ShowersBlessing ( #minutetilmidnight#bootcamp#marketplace#prayer #minutetilmidnight #power #PRAY #marketplace #prayer

Be Safe. Be Well. Be Vigilant.

Please continue to pray for us as we continue to move forward to provide more for you so you can become all God envisioned and experience all God S.A.W.W. (Spiritual, Abundance, Wholeness and Wealth).

Posted on May 17, 2024, in achieve, big doors, blessing, Boldness, confidence, courage, empowerment, encouragement, incredible increase, Jesus, marketplace influencer, marketplace missionary, Memorial Day, opportunities, Prayers For Success, Showers' Blessing Inspirations, Showers' Blessing PIcSpires, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Hi Jacqui, Our spirits must be aligned in some special way. Only yesterday, I spent the bulk of my day exploring content in this area of Strategic Planning. It is just a vital area for both individuals and organizations alike so I am killing two birds with one stone.

    Blessings to you and much thanks for all that you put out into the Universe which touches lives in ways unknown but cherished nevertheless.

    Best regards, Dr Vera Dookie-Ramlal. Vera

    “Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed.” * Gandhi*

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