Saddest Words I Ever Heard | Showers’ Blessing PicSpire | Jacqui Showers

Growing up there was a song, “Almost,” that started with the singer bellowing, “The saddest words I ever heard were almost…not quite, but almost.” The lyrics illustrated various scenarios of almost achieving victory. But, the one I remember the most was the guy who likes this girl but he is too shy to let her know how he feels. Once he gathers the nerve to tell her, she is dating another guy. I often think about these lyrics and realize that so many people live them out every single day.

Almost is never good enough. This sad word haunts many about all the missed opportunities that slipped away. You were almost there, but you never quite hit the mark. So it is with many of our dreams, visions and our goals.

We have them and we ponder over them year-after-year. We dwell in the land of “fit tin’ to” and we never quite can get to the land of accomplishing it.

When I was a young girl I remember a pastor telling us about his dreams. One dream was that he was going to have a great affair at Cobo Arena in Detroit, with renowned guests and singers. The place would be packed out.

Well, it never happened when I was young; but it did happen when I was an adult. Just like that guy who finally got up enough nerve to approach the girl but it was too late, so it was with him. Sure, he had the event, but by that time the dream had fizzled to about 200 people in a place that could seat 12,000. He almost realized his dream, but he was too late for its complete manifestation.

Timing is critical when you are in pursuit of your dreams. There is an allotted time for everything and when the iron is hot, you just have to strike it hard with everything you got.

These are haunting words when you were so close to success but for whatever reason you didn’t quite succeed. More often than not your inability to succeed is steeped in fear, just like the guy who was too shy to pursue the girl.

In a conversation with the pastor, he indicated that listening to others prevented him from pursuing his dream. You have to be so careful of those “others” who claim to support your dream when in actuality they are there to stop your dream. Everybody who says they are with you is not really with you. Especially when you share your dream and they find myriad reasons why you shouldn’t pursue them.

Later for haters! Who need them? For sure, not me and not you!

You do need to have faith and passion in your dreams. You do need to have the courage to step out and to do them. You do need to be relentless in your pursuit. You definitely need to move away from the saddest words I’ve ever heard, “not quite, but almost.”

#showersblessing #ohbreakout #themeplace

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Posted on March 7, 2018, in achieve, assignment, authenticity, Believe, confidence, courage, destiny, dream, marketplace influencer, marketplace missionary, potential, success, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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